
1. Quality Catalyst educational resources

2. Make it easier to find collaborators

3. Provide better project information and tracking by adding project categorisation as well as team and funding history

Community website domain suggestions

projectcatalyst.org - Catalyst community site focussed on anything involved with the Catalyst funding process. This includes areas such as education, collaboration, project information, project history and any relevant analytics to do with Catalyst.

cardanocommunity.org - General purpose community site to share a map of the ecosystem services and products, events and education resources about Cardano.

Initial implementation suggestions

Initial suggested implementation that could be deployed on projectcatalyst.org. The implementations below could be deployed individually one after the other additively to the site.

Collaborator list

A collaborator list will help anyone find proposals to work on with other community members. Anyone can signup to the community site to join. Upon sign up they can link their social accounts as well as list any skills they want to share. Anyone visiting the site would be able to look at the collaborator list to find people that may want to work with them on a proposal. The initial implementation should allow someone to login with a social login such as Google and then link social accounts (e.g. LinkedIn, Twitter, Discord, Telegram, Github, Dribbble, YouTube or Medium) they they want to share. Users should also be able to add their skills such as within areas like design, software development or project management. Finally someone should be able to mark themselves as available to contribute to proposals or not.

Collaborators list mockup (not final design)

Catalyst education resources

The Catalyst education resources should provide a single place for a proposer, vote and community advisor to use to learn about the Catalyst process. The initial implementation should focus on all of the facts, dates and explanations needed to explain Catalyst. Visualising parts with images, videos or infographics can be added to make Catalyst easier to understand.

Calendar page mockup (not final design)